Our Stories in RAF News – Damp and Mould

Periodically in RAF News the Federation uses the evidence someone has provided to illustrate a topic of concern. The cases illustrate where policy is not quite fair or is outdated, or where there is disadvantage purely because that someone is a member of an RAF family. Here we feature two further stories: Sibling Schooling. “Dear RAF FF, We have just been posted, only to find that the local primary schools are full and our two children have been allocated places in schools fifteen miles apart. The Local Authority won’t budge and we are at our wit’s end. Mould: “Dear RAF FF. We are having real problems with damp and mould and are being bounced between DIO and MHS. I was advised by the doctor that a pre-existing condition was being aggravated by the spores. I am also pregnant and concerned for the health of our unborn child. Why will no-one acknowledge that these houses have a major problem and actually do something about it…More information »

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