Scrapping Nimrod is ‘Folly’

Six ex-military chiefs have written to the Telegraph expressing their utter dismay at the scraping of the Nimrod MR4..AVM Tony Mason; Maj Gen Patrick Cordingley; Marshal of the RAF Lord Craig; Air Cdr Andrew Lambert; Maj Gen Julian Thompson and Adm Sir John Woodward all put their names to the letter. They said: ‘A massive gap in British security has opened…More information »

Report in the Telegraph is ‘Not Helpful’

The MoD have been irritated by a report in today’s Telegraph which says, ‘The Armed Forces are braced for another round of drastic cuts as the Ministry of Defence has to make up a £1.6 billion shortfall for the next financial year’. The MoD responded by saying: “Premature speculation is not helpful to the process, to our Armed Forces, or our industry…More information »

£200M to Scrap MRA4

The MoD has announced it is to cost £200m to halt the Nimrod MRA4 project scrapped as part of SDSR. BAE were building nine aircraft and the enormous amount of money is thought to also cover compensation to BAE. A MoD spokesman said: Ministers and Service chiefs made clear that the decision not to bring the Nimrod MRA4 into service had been a difficult one…More information »